What is Oxygen Infusion Facial?

What is Oxygen Infusion Facial?

Are you looking for a way to get a radiant, youthful glow on your skin that mesmerizes everyone? If yes, then look no further because we have just the thing for you. Our oxygen facial will help you achieve your dream skin.

Oxygen infusion facials are noninvasive, painless procedures that elevate collagen levels and hyaluronic acid in the skin by supplying oxygen to the cells.

Let’s elaborate on what an oxygen infusion facial is and the benefits of an oxygen facial.

What is an Oxygen Facial?

At Cheeks, we have the O2 to Derm treatment which uses a dome to infuse oxygen into your skin while you are under LED light.  We also have a device that delivers high-pressurized oxygen to the skin to plump it up. 

The oxygen facial principles deliver high-quality, pure oxygen to the skin cells, rejuvenating the skin. They elevate the oxygen level in the skin, promoting better cellular metabolism and regeneration.

High-pressure oxygen has also been recorded to elevate blood flow. This enables nutrients and oxygen to pass through each cell, nourishing it deeply.

Along with oxygen, hydrating agents are often used in this treatment, further boosting the skin's hydration, moisture, and glow. It helps you achieve an organic glow that makes your skin look healthy, younger, and more radiant.

Oxygen Infusion Facial Benefits

Let's discuss all the benefits you can get from having an O2 facial.

Hydrated Skin

With the infused oxygen, your skin cells will get pure oxygen to breathe in. This will help them stimulate collagen and maintain the quality of your skin.

Oxygen helps to plump the skin, revealing a plumper face, unclogging pores, and moisturizing deeply. It also helps reduce the appearance of visible and open pores.

With the help of hyaluronic acid, O2 facials give a visible glow to your face.

Diminished Fine Lines

Deeply penetrated hyaluronic acid helps to offer a more healthy appearance. Due to the natural boost of hydration, fine lines and wrinkles will slowly fade away.

Less Acne

O2 facial unclogs pores, kills the acne-causing bacteria, reduces breakouts, and fades the redness from sunburn. It also helps to brighten the hyperpigmented regions of the face.

Glowing Skin

As mentioned above, a hydrating agent and infused oxygen amplifies the results. This helps brighten the skin's complexion and reduce the face's texture.

Along with hydrating agents, niacinamides, peptides, and antioxidants are used to get better results. By profoundly penetrating all of them, your skin gets to experience rich resources to use.

Plumper Skin

Oxygen aids easy blood flow. Healthy circulation gives the skin a hassle-free source of nutrients and adequate blood to keep it young.

Boosted Collagen

Collagen is an abundant protein in our body. It helps to support and hydrate the skin and reduces dryness and wrinkles.

It helps to make your skin look healthy, plump, glowy, and radiant. Collagen production reduces as we age, so an oxygen facial is a great way to give your skin the plumpness it deserves.



Q1: Is O2 facial noninvasive and safe?

Ans: Yes! The O2 facial is entirely safe and noninvasive.

Q2: Is there any downtime after the facial?

Ans: There is no downtime. You will leave your treatment with glowing, radiant skin.

Q3: How much does an O2 facial cost?

Ans: At Cheeks, we curate each skin treatment to your needs so cost will vary.

Q4: How long is O2 facial?

Ans: At Cheeks, we offer 45 minutes, 75 minutes, 90 minutes and 2 hour treatments.


Concluding it All

O2 facials help increase cellular turnover and remove dry, patchy skin. A series of sessions will deliver best results. 

O2 facials are effective if done by an expert, and at Cheeks, we have qualified, experienced, and caring aestheticians that will make you fall in love with your skin.

With Cheeks, say yes to healthy, radiant skin!


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